Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thesis Registration

ATTENTION: registration of thesis is allowed after internship is registered and all exams are registered and completed, but it doesn't mean you have to wait till the end to write your thesis, it just just has to be registered after all the other exams

Before your internship ends, remember to acquire a performance review or evaluation from your supervisor or the authority of your position in the company or school.

Note: if you need a bit more time to finish your thesis, you have to know that once thesis is registered, you only have 4 months to finish writing your thesis, so if you need more time, register a bit later to make sure that you'd finish writing on time

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mess- und Regelungstechnik (MRT)

Lecture conductor:  Professor Rudibert King  (updated March 25, 2012)

The overview of the course content can be found somewhere on the FG Mess - & Regelungstechnik
(there used to be a course content sheet, it is no longer available now)

(Professor Wozny asked Professor King personally to stop signing credit recognition forms, because Professor Wozny doesn't like it and saw too much of those forms going around for this class.  I'm sorry.  You could still try, though, Professor King is very helpful.)
If you have studied the topics for control systems (most of mechanical students) such as (not limited to):
- Controller (P, I, and D) implementation, analysis and prediction using Bode diagram, root-locus, state-space, unit-step response, impulse response, Nyquist diagram, complex domain, ... etc.
- Controller approximation and stability prediction (cut-off frequency, over-shoot, dead time...)
- Solve problems in applications of pressure, temperature, reaction, flow, electric systems, ... etc.

Visit Professor King and bring all the past study materials that you can find and your transcript from before and have him fill out the Antrag auf Anerkennung form (form) for Prüfungsamt registration.  Make sure all the parts are filled in:

Prozess- und Anlagendynamik (PAD)

Lecture conductor:  Günter Wozny  (updated March 25, 2012)

The Übung of the course is conducted by someone in the department.  The Übung used to be model-based, but after they decided to use a very inconvenient and slow (like snail) system called "MOSAIC," the amount of time and effort have increased.  If you can avoid using MOSAIC, avoid it, it is a very incomplete, incapable system.  (Although I don't think you could avoid it, but if you have the chance to, do!)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Internship Registration

ATTENTION:  please read this BEFORE the end of your internship!

Before your internship ends, remember to acquire a performance review or evaluation from your supervisor or the authority of your position in the company or school.

Note:  AFTER you registered your internship, you can then ask for the paper for thesis and start processing the thesis, i.e. Anmeldebestätigung der Masterarbeit

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Energy Economics (Energiewirtschaft)

The English Lecture (this post isn't valid for the German version of the lecture)

The English lecture conductor:  Georg Erdmann

ATTENTION:  If you have studied similar topics before that covered these topics (listed below) from your previous studies, you should bring some proofs to Professor Erdmann, have him fill out the Antrag auf Anerkennung form (form) for Prüfungsamt registration, so you could get your course recognized by PEESE program and have this course requirement exempted.
- Energy balance
- Markets for fossil fuels
- Electricity markets including generation from renewable sources
- Markets for renewable energy
- Markets for energy efficiency technologies
- Use of modelling tools to evaluate innovations and state-regulation measures
- Impacts on energy demand
- Innovation processes
- Evaluation of energy systems